Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekend Off!

I’ve spent the weekend off, I decided to try Irish Tourism. Mostly I’ve been out with some friends of mine from Wales, Ian ("Eazy-Man-Giro, AKA "Squelshy")and Kathryn, and the dogs. We spent Saturday enjoying the blizzard at Clonmacnoise, after visiting the Clonfanlough Stone (see under Ian's foot…). We spent most of Sunday around Meelick Weir, where we witnessed the first Sandmartins of the year.

Today a colleague, Jamie, and I went to one of the local callows where Jamie had spotted the first geese that we’d had on the callows all winter. We confirmed 95 White-fronted Geese, but were not able to get an accurate count on the 10,000 Godwits which were being harassed by a big female Peregrine Falcon and a Female (ring-tail) Hen Harrier. The blurred shot is the Peregrine sitting on a fence directly behind the geese.

So, I’m a just doing a chatty blog today, and hope you enjoy my weekend off….



Saturday, March 17, 2007

Barn Owl Project, Ireland

Hello everybody. I’m very pleased to announce the Irish Barn Owl Conservation Project is under new management as of 1st April. I have been informed today, that my application for the position has been successful. The former project officer is beginning a Ph.D. study of the factors which are contributing to the decline of this species in Ireland. I shall be seeking volunteers throughout Ireland to contribute to a full national census, as well as welcoming individual sitings. First indications appear to show a decline of 75% or thereabouts over the last ten years. I will give more precise figures as they become available.

Should anyone require any advice on Barn Owls, please feel free to contact me on my personal email address at emailwatson@yahoo.co.uk. Or at BirdWatch Ireland. In the meantime here’s a picture of one, borrowed from Flikr photo’s. I’d also like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a “Happy Saint Patricks Day”!

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've treated myself to new pair of bins, Leica, 8x32s. I'll need them for a little holiday I'll be taking in May, and of course for the fieldwork.